A proposito di nerd, ecco come Sony risolve il problema…

11 06 2007

PopSci Predicts PS3 Dominance In 2009

11 06 2007

We’ve got a long road ahead of us. The current gen consoles are finding their footing, stumbling or starting to hit their stride. It’s too early to declare clear cut winners, but not too early to forecast the future. Popular Science has a feature called “PPX” (PopSci Predictions Exchange) in which the publication sets forth predictions and lets readers bet on them with fake money for bragging rights. PopSci‘s predictions are:

  • Virgin Galactic will not suffer a passenger fatality in its first year of business.
  • A human will break the world record for skydiving by the end of 2009.
  • Gas prices in the U.S. will smash records this year.
  • NASA will finish building the International Space Station by 2010.
  • The PLAYSTATION 3 will outsell both the Xbox 360 and the Nintendo Wii by the end of 2009.

All of them seem like fairly realistic predictions—yes, even the PS3 one. Don’t forget: one day the PS3 will have tons of games. So will the Wii and the Xbox 360, but still.

SCEE Boss On 20 & 80GB Models For Europe

11 06 2007

With one million PS3s out in the wild, and over two million games sold, SCEE boss David Reeves is in a buoyant mood. And when he’s buoyant, he’s talkative, especially when it comes to the subject of the 20 and 80GB models of the PS3. And how neither are likely to be seen in Europe.

I can confirm that it’s highly unlikely that the 20Gb version will be launch in PAL territories. The majority of retailers are happy that we launched with just the one unit. It has made things simple for them.As for the 80Gb console, there are markets like Korea where there’s very high broadband penetration and the people there are used to downloading content, so they require a certain size hard drive. But at the moment we don’t see a requirement for launching this version in Europe. Certainly not in the foreseeable future.

The 20GB, it was expected. Thanks for coming. But those comments on the 80GB model…less so. 80’s not much bigger than 60, David, so why the need to go out of your way saying Europe doesn’t need the storage space?Unless…oh. Of course. Europe, when Sony starts rolling movies and TV shows out onto the PlayStation Store, don’t be surprised if, just like Xbox Live, you get fucked.

Sony Sells A Million PAL PS3s

11 06 2007

The big black Foreman grill that some people still insist is a failure continues to outpace its two predecessors in Europe, as Sony reports that early last week the PS3 passed the million sold mark in PAL territories, performing better than both the PS1 and the PS2 did before it. President and CEO of SCEE, David Reeves, plays the proud papa:

“Early last week we went through [a sell-through of] the one million mark on PS3. And we did that in nine and a half weeks.” He continues with a comparison and said “That was faster than both PS2 and PSOne. And I think that the analysts out there will also realize that it’s faster than our brothers and sisters in the competitive world.”

*winces* Probably should have stopped before that last sentence, considering the other two consoles were hampered by shortages and Sony had four months between launches to ramp production up. Good numbers, nonetheless. You cannot sell a million of something and call it a failure. Well you could, but you’d be a jerk.

… e il logo Walkman

22 05 2007


Ma sotto il marchio sony c’è un’altra storia interessante da scoprire.

Nel 1979 la sony per prima inventa il walkman… in tutti i sensi; infatti per prima produce un oggetto che serva ad ascoltare la musica passeggiando e gli dà un nome: walkman.
La parola walkman, che oggi significa quel tipo di riproduttore in generale, in realtà è nata per indicare il riproduttore da passeggio della sony. La sony ha creato un primo logo nel 1979 per il lancio e la promozione del prodotto che puntava sul concetto di poter ascoltare la musica passeggiando; ne ha poi creato un secondo da poter apporre sui prodotti.

Nel 2000 poi il restyling “per la nuova era” inserisce, oltre ad un lettering completamento rinnovato, il simbolo “W.”.
Questo nuovo logo è costruito con sei punti: i primi cinque uniti fra di loro a formare la W per rinforzare il concetto di interconnessione fra le persone, il sesto punto da solo per esprimere il concetto di individualità di un oggetto a se stante.

La storia del logo SONY

22 05 2007


Il successo e la forza di un marchio possono essere dovuti non solo alla sua rappresentazione grafica, ma anche alla semplicità del nome.
E’ il caso di SONY: quattro lettere facilmente memorizzabili e leggibili in quasi tutte le lingue.

La parola sony deriva dalla parola “sonus” (suono): la finale y è stata scelta per richiamare la parola inglese “sonny” (figliolo).

Il marchio sony, registrato per la prima volta nel 1955, ha sempre basato tutta la sua forza grafica sul solo lettering.
Alla nascita era semplicemente un testo piuttosto schiacciato all’interno di un rettangolo.
Nel 1957 però prende già la sua forma quasi definitiva. Negli anni successivi si apportano, infatti, poche modifiche in altezza e spessore, per poi arrivare nel 1973 al logo che tuttora conosciamo. Nel 1981, in concomitanza con il 35° anniversario, l’azienda pensò di rinnovare il proprio logo, ma dopo diverse proposte decise di mantenere il logo storico, perché più semplice e incisivo. Nel 1982 è stato invece introdotto un logo addizionale, il cosiddetto “S mark”, per migliorare e rafforzare l’immagine aziendale. Quest’ultimo logo è stato accompagnato dal pay-off “it’s a Sony!”.

In arrivo The Darkness, il primo vero nextgen su PS3

18 05 2007

Smash My PS3

18 05 2007

PS3 comincia così

18 05 2007

Amazing Jonathan Glazer

18 05 2007

Il pluripremiato regista (Jamiroquai, Massive Attack, Radiohead) parte per Glasgow e firma un altro capolavoro per Sony. 10 giorni, 250 persone coinvolte,tonnellate di vernice fresca. Sentite qui per pulire…

Our latest TV ad – featuring massive paint explosions – took 10 days and 250 people to film. Huge quantities of paint were needed to accomplish this, which had to be delivered in 1 tonne trucks and mixed on-site by 20 people.

The effect was stunning, but afterwards a major clean-up operation was required to clear away all that paint!

The cleaning took 5 days and 60 people. Thankfully, the use of a special water-based paint made it easy to scrape-up once the water had evaporated.

Keeping everyone safe was also an important factor. A special kind of non-toxic paint was used that is safe enough to drink (it contains the same thickeners that are sometimes used in soups). It was also completely harmless to the skin.
